On October 30, 2016, the University Chamber Choir from Poznan, Poland accompanied the delegation from Adam Mickiewicz University. Under the direction of Professor Krzysztof Szydzisz, the Choir has performed all over the world since 1992. The 24 members are university students, graduates and teachers who all share a passion for choral singing. [gview file=””]
Having the opportunity to see young dancers in an array of costumes, skillfully performing several charming and lively arrangements to musical scores that ran the gamut from Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major to African drum beats, was a perfect way to celebrate International Dance Day on Saturday, April 29, 2017. [gview file=””]
[gview file=””] On April 30, 2010 the second edition of Miami International Art Cocktail (MIAC II) was held at the Miami Public Library and organized by Miami International Cultural Alliance (MICA). Both the American Institute of Polish Culture and the Honor- ary Consulate are active members of MICA.
The American Institute of Polish Culture and the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Poland are part of the Miami International Cultural Alliance (MICA), based in Miami-Dade County. [gview file=””]